Academy of Hospitality, Tourism, and Wellness

The Perfect Choice for Your Career

Module 1
- Hotel Managment -

Managment in the hotel industry.
Organization and financial analysis of business.
Guest relations managment.

Module 2

Managment of tourist organisations and agencies.
Organization of congresses, events and tips.
Marketing and building relations with tourists.

Module 3

Immerse yourself in the world of wellness managment.
Study holistic health practices, wellness tourism trends, and the art of providing experiences to promote physical and mental well-being.

Poruka prof. dr Danijela Pavlovića, direktora Akademije, povodom Svetskog dana mira

Prof. dr Danijel Pavlović, direktor Akademije za hotelijerstvo, turizam i velnes poslao je poruku povodom Svetskog dana mira.   

Prof. Pavlović se u svojoj poruci osvrnuo na ulogu i značaj turizma kao "pasoša mira", ističući njegovu ulogu u podsticanju izgradnje mira i razumevanja. 

Poruku je preneo  Međunarodni institut za mir kroz turizam - IIPT čiji je prof. Pavlović član kao Generalni sekretar poglavlja Instituta za mir kroz turizam u Srbiji (IIPT Chapter Serbia). Poruku su uputili i  Gail Parsonage, predsednica IIPT Australija i Philippe Francois.


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