Managment in the hotel industry.
Organization and financial analysis of business.
Guest relations managment.
Managment in the hotel industry.
Organization and financial analysis of business.
Guest relations managment.
Managment of tourist organisations and agencies.
Organization of congresses, events and tips.
Marketing and building relations with tourists.
Managment of tourist organisations and agencies.
Organization of congresses, events and tips.
Marketing and building relations with tourists.
Immerse yourself in the world of wellness managment.
Study holistic health practices, wellness tourism trends, and the art of providing experiences to promote physical and mental well-being.
Immerse yourself in the world of wellness managment.
Study holistic health practices, wellness tourism trends, and the art of providing experiences to promote physical and mental well-being.
Na Međunarodnoj konferenciji iz Verskog turizma i hodočašća(International Religious tourism and pilgrimage conference) održanoj u Finskoj U Korpostromu, direktoru Akademije za Hotelijerstvo,turizam i wellness, prof. Dr Danijelu Pavloviću uručeno je priznanje za doprinos u oblasti istraživanja verskog turizma i hodočašća. Prof. Pavlović je dobio priznanje i počasno članstvo u Međunarodnom Institutu za verski tirizam i hodočašća. Priznanje se dodeljuje tokom odžavanja konferencije za izuzetni doprinos i angažovanje u oblasti delokruga rada Instituta, IRTP konferencije i časopisa International Journal of Religious Tourism and Pilgrimage.